2023-04-20 [United States Trade Secret] GlobalFoundries has filed a lawsuit against IBM for illegally revealing trade secrets

On Wednesday (4/19), GlobalFoundries, an American wafer foundry, indicated that it has filed a lawsuit against IBM which has been accused of illegally sharing GlobalFoundries’ intellectual property and trade secrets with other enterprises.

The lawsuit filed in Federal Court of New York disclosed that after IBM had sold chip business to GlobalFoundries, it illegally provided the relating intellectual property and trade secrets to it’s partners including Big Tech Intel and Rapidus, Japanese Chip National Team.

IBM is currently working with Rapidus to develop and produce advanced 2-nanometer chips; in 2021, IBM also announced that it will work with Intel to develop next-generation chip technology.

GlobalFoundries indicated that it has had the only and exclusive right to license or disclose the technology obtained by transaction in 2015. IBM improperly captured hundreds of millions of dollars in potential licensing revenue and other benefits by revealing the technology to partners. GlobalFoundries indicated that it is seeking compensatory and punitive damages, and requested an injunction to prevent IBM from further misappropriating the company’ trade secrets.

IBM stated to emphasize that the relating accusation which was filed again by GlobalFoundries after the court rejection was unfounded.

Source: Liberty Times digital newspaper

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