2024-05-15 Received Patent Infringement Lawsuit from Technoprobe, CHPT: No Impact on Company Operations

By Ray-I Chang / Taipei

Chunghwa Precision Test (stock code: 6510) announced on the 14th that it has received a patent infringement lawsuit from Technoprobe S.P.A. (an Italian technology detection company), emphasizing that its processes are substantially different from the disputed patent processes. To safeguard the interests of the company and shareholders, the case has been entrusted to legal counsel and is not expected to impact company operations.

CHPT pointed out that Technoprobe’s claimed patent was published on September 21, 2020, and the main basis for alleging patent infringement stems from presentation materials at CHPT’s June 2018 Semiconductor Wafer Test Workshop (SWTW). However, at the time of the presentation, Technoprobe’s patent had not yet been published, rendering it impossible for CHPT to have infringed Technoprobe’s patent.

CHPT also pointed out that the presentation materials it released only involved cost material analysis and did not pertain to process methods, let alone laser cutting, thus Technoprobe’s claim of patent infringement based on CHPT’s presentation materials is groundless.

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