2013-02-01【Taiwan Patent Law】Amended patent law of Taiwan enforcing in October 29, 2011 for patent filing(7)

【Introduction of the patent law amended in October 29, 2011 (7)】

18. The amendment of whole coherent planning of the designs patent system

Partial designs, computer-generated icons, graphical user interfaces (icons & GUIs)and sets of objects (Group design )are now become allowable for design patent protection. The derivative designs system is added. The associated design patent is abolished. (Amended Article 121, 127 and 129)

19. Transitional regulation is added

The amendment includes the adding of reasons for stating the grace period, allowing of filing a divisional application(s) after the invention patent application is examined in the primary examination, becoming the formality examination for the amendment in utility model patents, amending the related regulations for invalidation and correction, amending the related regulation of design patent. The amendment is made with the
transitional regulation. (Amended Article 149 to 158)

20. The promulgation date of this amended Act activated by the Executive Yuan is clearly defined

The amendment covers many changes to Taiwan’s patent system, and TIPO has begun to prepare corresponding measures, which include amendments to relevant patent regulations, examination guidelines, patent related application forms, and computer systems. As the result, the date on which this Act takes effect shall be decided by the Executive Yuan to allow all sectors to gain a thorough understanding of the new system and to adapt to its operation. (Amended Article 159)

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