2013-02-08【Taiwan Patent Law】Introduction of the patent law amended in October 29, 2013

【Introduction of the patent law amended in October 29, 2011】
(The patent law, hereinafter referring to this law, had had been amended for 8 times since stipulated in May, 29, 1944 and enforcing in January 1, 1949, with the last amendment in Feburary 6, 2003.)

(As going with the development of economics, the invisible property, Intellectual Property, has replaced with the visible property to become the most important resource for managing industries and for developing countries. Therefore, it currently becomes the first object of Taiwanese government to assist industrial creation to arise the Taiwan’s competition. Nowaday, the government pays more attention in encouraging creavitity and enhancing the protection of the intellectual property, especially, a patent right, which becomes a key weapon to promopt society more progressive and to enhance industrial more competitive. A patent right is also closely related to the technology development and to the degree of competition for a country as well. Moreover, a patent right is a key index to evaluate a country with regard the degree of modernization.)

(This amendment of patent is achieved in order to (1) encourage the creative research, (2) enhance economic power of Taiwan, (3) prompt the domestic important technologies including biology, green energy, and quality agriculture, which are ones of the six new-devoloping industries, (4) advance the quality of patent examination, and (5) harmonize the global patent trend for competition.)

(The amendment is thus made by observing the change of international intellectual property and the current patent law of many main countries with regard the highly developing technology. From 2006, there are 15 public conference held in response to several subjects for this amendment, and the public opinion is coordinated accordingly. Moreover, from February of 2009, there are other 8 pubic conference held. The amendment is as follows.)

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