content="开云·云开(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站 - 登录入口"/> 2022-05-19 [US Patent Litigation] The Patent Lawsuit between WinWay and its Subsidiary Reached Settlement - 台灣仕誠國際專利商標事務所-專利申請及商標服務-TaiwanPatentFilingTaiwanTrademarkFiling-台灣特許出願商標出願

2022-05-19 [US Patent Litigation] The Patent Lawsuit between WinWay and its Subsidiary Reached Settlement May 6, 2022

WinWay announced on May 5 that the patent lawsuit between its subsidiary WinWay Technology International, Inc. and the testing plant Johnstech International Corp. has reached settlement.

Since WinWay has been actively attracting more U.S. clients form new application fields in recent years, the settlement of this lawsuit between WinWay and other two companies gives people imagination to their future cooperation.

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